It’s incredible these
just keep getting written and perpetuating like it’s some kind of ‘new normal’. But they do. By my calculations, the –
frankly staggering – almost 500,000 children that are currently on the NHS child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) waiting list is 4 of every single 100 children. That’s around 1 child in any of my 15 year-old daughters GCSE classes. And children wait on average 107 days from referral to first appointment? When some of these kids are potentially suicidal? That’s unbelievable. It desperately needs to change, to improve children’s mental
health, to prevent mental illnesses, to save lives. 

We’re trying to do our bit towards this mission at Cove Care. Come and help us in our CAMHS residential or healthcare settings if this resonates with you.

#mentalhealth #youngpeople #youngpeoplesmentalhealth #covecare #residentialcare #ChildrensMentalHealth #waitinglist