It’s Christmas!

Another of our houses is getting into the spirit! Feeling festive! #mentalhealth#youngpeople#youngpeoplesmentalhealth#covecare#residentialcare#christmas#christmasdecorations#itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas

Work with us!

Are you seeking who is seeking a rewarding occupation in the Telford area? Do you have experience within the residential care sector? Then look no further.Cove Care specialises in the care of young people with complex behavioural and mental health needs in our...

Britain’s Got Talent!

We couldn’t be prouder of our beautiful resident who auditioned for Britain’s got Talent! What a superstar she is! #mentalhealth #youngpeople #youngpeoplesmentalhealth #covecare #residentialcare #bgt #britainsgottalent #superstar #proud