Professional psychiatric Liaison
With extensive CAMHS experience within NHS and independent sector services, our senior management team can liaise and communicate professionally with CAMHS teams and clinicians. We share the same experience, perspectives and language whilst operating within the social care sector and can ensure liaison between professionals of different agencies regarding young people’s mental health needs.
Due to this specialist experience and skilled liaison, we are able to operate as an extended CAMHS team. We have supported many young people in their transition from in-patient CAMHS services back into the community through our residential settings, by providing skilled in-reach into the hospital prior to their discharge, supportive work in the key transition period as they leave hospital, often under the section 17 provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983 within our placements, and subsequently ongoing joined-up reviews which monitor the young person’s progress and ‘dovetail’ into their multi-agency LAC reviews and (where relevant) section 117 Mental Health Act 1983 arrangements for after-care.