Views From The Cove (Blog)

Waiting too long!

It's incredible theseheadlines just keep getting written and perpetuating like it's some kind of 'new normal'. But they do. By my calculations, the -frankly staggering - almost 500,000 children that are currently on the NHS child and adolescent mental health services...

Therapeutic engagement

Looking for innovative methods of therapeutic engagement with the children and young people that you work with? At Cove Care, we were really interested in this recent article by a practitioner in our local area, who promotes Lego as a therapeutic tool and offers...

School attendance and Mental Health

This recent BBC article either reflects the governments failures in education, or their inability to understand children’s mental health, but you would imagine it actually reflects both. Intimidating vulnerable families to send their child to school despite their...

Dopamine fasting

Maybe a bit contentious, left field or outright wacky? But worth a thought. Could supporting young people in residential care - not restricting anything, obviously this would have to be with their full consent and engagement - but supporting them to have even short...

Child referrals for mental health up

This recent article in the Guardian shows just how the crisis in children’s mental health is worsening year on year. At Cove Care, this reminds us of the importance of our planned expansions during 2024, both in our community residential homes and our new tier 4 CAMHS...

Children’s Mental Health Week

Notification of upcoming Children's Mental Health week in February. At Cove Care our home managers will be making plans for how to best mark this important occasion for and with the young people....

Find a rewarding career!

Are you seeking a rewarding occupation in the West Midlands area? Do you have experience within the residential care sector? Then look no further.Cove Care specialises in the care of young people with complex behavioural and mental health needs in our residential...

Christmas at Cove!

We had a lovely time at head office yesterday at our Christmas buffet, it was nice for us all to be together to celebrate!

Home cooking 🍲

The young people and staff at one of our homes have been cooking this week and doesn't it look tasty?! Butternut squash soup, freshly baked bread and queens custard dessert, yes please! At Cove Care we firmly believe in helping our young people meet their goals, for...